Linda MacDonald demonstrates a great trick for making continuous prairie points and other manipulated fabric techniques.

Easy Continuous Prairie Points
The following instructions are for two inch prairie points. You can make them any size you want.
Draw a line the length of the fat quarter (or paper) two inches from the edge. This is the bottom row.
Then draw a cross line every two inches.
Next draw the top row. Starting in the middle of the first bottom square, draw cross lines every two inches across the top row.
Cut off the four inch marked strip. Cut out the extra half square from each end of the top row.
Next cut each vertical cross line starting from the outer edge to the center line.
You are ready to start folding your prairie points.
Always fold from the outside to the inside (center). You can visualize the corners of each square as A & B on the top and C & D on the bottom.
Square 1
Fold corner C diagonally up to meet corner B. Finger press fold.
Fold D diagonally to meet A, press along the fold.
Square 2
Fold corner A to meet D. Finger press.
Take Square 1 and fold it up, along the horizontal center line and pin. Square 1 is now the first prairie point.
Take Square 2 and fold B diagonally to meet C. Press along the fold. It will overlap Square 1. Pin. This is the second prairie point.
Repeat the folding and pressing for each little square. On the points made from the bottom row, wrap the fold around the previous point, so it looks the same on both sides. By doing this you can use the prairie points on either the left or right side when sewing them into a vertical seam.
Baste the bottom edge 1/8 inch in to hold the folds all together until ready to use.
Don’t like prairie points? Embellish them with beads or crystals.
Spread open each prairie point so it makes a little hollow cup, and attach a bead in the center to hold it in this position. Each point now forms a little pocket, that looks like the kind of flower that attracts humming birds.
Thanks Linda!

Linda Jackson models the vest made by Brooke Atherton. Brooke has made a vest and kimono from the fabric giveaway to create garments to be worn at International Quilt Festival in Houston.

The arishi shibori texture was created by wrapping the fabric around a stick and roasting it over a campfire as one would do with a hot dog.

This is a detail of the kimono that Cheryl Wittmayer will be wearing at Market in Houston next week!

This mermaid doll was created by one of the participants in the fabric giveaway. Brooke brought it to the meeting to share with us.

Kathy Hammond brought her puzzle quilt in progress. She is ready to begin embellishment and plans to use some brightly colored textural yarns.