Theme: Rock, Paper, Scissors

SAQA Creative Force will be exhibited at the Yellowstone Art Museum March 22 - June 10, 2012. This is a very exciting development!
Brooke (Montana SAQA Rep) will be meeting with Robyn Peterson, Director of YAM to discuss ways for building community support and interest for this upcoming show. Brooke hopes to expand outreach to SAQA members in nearby states for involvement with this event.
Sandra Sider, new SAQA President has expressed a willingness to visit Billings during the show to present group events. Sandra has an Art Quilt Critique business with Lisa Chipetine and is suggesting she will do critiques in a public forum, as well as conducting a YAM tour of the SAQA Creative Force show.
Ideas discussed for WAV involvement:
Auxiliary shows at Universities and Galleries – and specifically, a WAV show somewhere during the same time period.
Pegee will be speaking to curators at the two colleges in town about the galleries at those locations to see if we can arrange for a WAV show in Spring 2012.
Torso Show
Toucan Gallery wants a group statement, title, and information for the show before writing the contract.
Please let Brooke know if you intend to participate so she can create a list of participants and to give the gallery a count of the pieces to be shown.Finished art torsos should be delivered to the January WAV meeting.
Toucan will be pleased to include additional small works for sale from WAV artists participating in the Torso show. Please be thinking about small saleable items that you are willing to offer for sale in the gallery.
Please be prepared to price your torso for sale in Toucan gallery (if you don’t want to sell it – put a very high price on it!) Remember, the gallery commission is 40%.
James Art Center Show in March 2011
The planned jurying for this show was impossible due to bad weather.
The February 2011 meeting will be a work meeting dedicated to the James Art Center Show. No program or show and tell will be included in this meeting – we will be focused on preparing for the James Art Center show.
It was decided that each WAV member is to self select three or four of your strongest works to bring to the February meeting. If you already have good photos of your work, please put them on a CD and bring that as well.
A photo shoot session for this show is planned for any works that are not already photographed. Brooke will bring a design wall (8 x 8’) and photo lights. Cynthia will bring her Canon Rebel camera and laptop. Entries will be photographed at the meeting.
We will plan to prepare all documents and pack the quilts for shipping during the meeting.
If weather does not permit all members to attend, you will need to prepare you own photographs on a CD and to ship your quilts to North Dakota yourself.
December WAV Meeting
Scheduled for Sunday, December 19 at 12:00 (one hour earlier than usual)
This is our planning meeting and also our Christmas Party.
Please bring any ideas for future challenges, gift exchange themes, and think about what month you would like to host the WAV meeting.
The gift exchange theme this year is “Rock, Paper, Scissors”. If you wish to participate, please bring something you have made relating to this theme. Please gift wrap your creation in preparation for the gift exchange.
Please bring finger food to share for the party. Wanda will provide paper plates, napkins, cups, and beverage.
We will plan to meet in Suite 107 at Solar Plaza 2116 Broadwater Avenue in Billings. Use the parking lot on the WEST side of the building.