We discussed what to do about our Canvas Challenge of last year. It was decided that we will have a Montana Curator and a Wyoming Curator (by committee) to find venues for this show. Linda J volunteered to get the info from Phyllis about MT, and Kathy H will work with Linda M and Marybeth regarding WY venues. Kathy H took the canvases that were there to Thermopolis with her to hang at a new Bookstore/Cafe and be part of an Art Walk.

Linda M will look into showing the exhibit at the Mancuso Show, and Marybeth will find out about the Cody Library, and Plaza Diane in Powell. Kathy H also will look into further venues in Casper and Laramie.
The January challenge was No Color, or Shades of Grey.
Cynthia provided a handout with Critique Questions for our new format that we will follow for our meetings this year. We discussed each piece using this new format and it worked out very well. Unfortunately I forgot my camera, so have no photo of our beautiful pieces to share here. Anyone wanting to upload a photo of your art, please feel free to do so.
Next month's challenge will be Warm Colors.