Seven members of WAV met on Jan 18th to make plans for the New Year. We discussed the Stretching Boundaries canvas challenge and it was decided that it will show "as is" at Big Sky Quilt Retreat and at the Plaza Diana Gallery in Powell, WY, in March and April. These will be the final showings of this challenge, and we will not take them to the Emerson this year.
Linda J and Brooke offered to have the group meet in their studios, when the building where we are now meeting sells.
There was an interesting discussion on how we would like to approach this year's art challenges and monthly meetings. Several members said they liked the Color Concepts we did last year, but would like to take it further. It was decided we would begin by exploring Neutral Colors. At our February meeting we will show and tell our designs and have a discussion about them. Then we are free to go back to this design, with the new ideas presented at the meeting, and work on it further. Or we may decide to incorporate a new color to the palette. Topics will flow from one month to the next, based on these discussions.
Since Big Sky Quilt Retreat is scheduled for March, we will not meet as a group that month.
In addition to the monthly learning series, we will have a Challenge which will be based on Calls For Entry that inspire us. Linda M and Brooke told about the upcoming SAQA Challenges. Kathy suggested we bring a list of interesting Calls for Entry, with details, to the next meeting.

It was decided to try a Christmas in July this year, with the theme "Recycle". This will be our yearly gift exchange.
Cheryl showed us her latest creation where she is using up fabric scraps by sewing them into strips. She also passed out books that she thought would be of interest to other WAV members.
Kathy H is experimenting with fabric painting with dyes, and shared the two pieces shown here.
Brooke has be invited to be part of "Fiber for a Cause" this year. Linda H has finished and submitted her piece for "Inspired by National Parks."