Brooke Atherton's challenge piece. She used a pieced project she found at the Rescue Mission as the foundation for this piece. It turned out to be something Cheryl (seated next to Brooke) had made years before.

Book: Mutant Message Down Under
Author: Marlo Morgan
Line: They have music every day because it is necessary to keep facts fresh in the memory, to tell their entire history takes about a year.
The quilting in the music lines is the History of my life, m from my childhood thru to my own 2 boys and what they are doing now. The large note opens to pictures of me growing up and my family then.

Kathy Lichtendahl's Book Challenge turned out to be a jacket!
Book: National Geographic Society’s 1973 Wilderness
Line: Fat moon in the afternoon
More information about the materials and additional views can be seen on my blog at www.quiltedkat.blogspot.com