Nine members attended the December WAV meeting, which began at noon on Sunday, December 16.
The group agreed to discontinue serving refreshments at the meetings. (people may bring their own beverages if desired).
The group agreed to resume meeting during the summer months.
A Stretcher Bar Challenge will be revisited. Participants are to create two fiber pieces that relate to each other. They are to be in a vertical orientation, and mounted on stretcher bars in a manner to be determined by each artist. The sizes shall be 24 x 36" and 8 x 10" stretcher bars.
The Christmas Gift Challenge theme word for 2013 is "GREEN". Create a gift for the gift exchange that relates to the theme word. All gifts must be hand made by the artist.
Seat Cushion Request - members are asked to create pillows or seat cushions for the chairs in the meeting room. These can be brought to any meeting - with the idea that they will be left in place for each meeting. The seats of the steel chairs we use measure 16" square. A cushion should fit that size and it will be best if they have ties at two corners for attachment to the chairs. Members may continue to bring seat cushions until all chairs in the room are covered.
Critiques - The group decided that we will conduct our own critiques by using a specified format (Cynthia will bring one, and other members are invited to bring one to the January meeting so a format can be agreed upon).
By way of developing group skills in the art of critique as well as building skills in design, each month there is a chosen design element. Members are requested to create a very small piece to bring in for the discussion of that specific design element. The piece should be no larger than 8 x 12" and may be of any medium. It may be a work in progress. All members work will be displayed on the design wall for the discussion.
*Participation in any of the challenges or critiques is optional, but is strongly encouraged.
The group has agreed to invite 4 individuals to become new members, bringing the number of active members to 14 (if they all decide to join). The new members will be asked to participate in the group challenges and to bring some of their work for show and tell within the first two months of joining. While there are no dues, no officers and no formal format for meetings - it is agreed that all members should be contributing by attending meetings on a regular basis (memberships that lapse due to lack of attendance will be identified as inactive members and may attend as a guest until space in the group opens up - if they wish to become active again.) It is agreed that the number of active members should not exceed 15, given the limited space in the meeting room. Invitations to join will be sent to 4 individuals.
As a way of keeping track of attendance, a book is to be kept in the meeting room. Everyone present will sign in so it is possible to keep track of attendance. There is a tentative plan to arrange for a future group show and it is agreed that only members who participate and contribute regularly will be able to show their work in any WAV show. The sign-in format will help us keep track of active / inactive members.
Cynthia will install a design wall in the meeting room. Members will be asked to contribute to the cost of the design wall - details will be included in the January meeting announcement.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
July 2012
The WAV group decided to suspend its monthly meetings for the summer because so many of us are off travelling. But I am wondering what you all are doing when you are at home? Have you tried any new techniques?
Six of our TAGY members (WAV's sister group in Wyoming) got together the morning of the 4th of July
before all the family gatherings and fireworks got under way. We tried ice dyeing. After soaking the fabric in soda ash, we scrunched it up into colanders and covered them with ice cubes. Next we sprinkled dye powder over the ice cubes and set them aside to melt. Some of the more creative members made ice cube parfaits with layers of fabric ice and die. We each took them home to "set" and wash out later, and I am hearing of some fantastic results. I will try to put up some photos next week, before taking off for Lake Tahoe.
Other news: Jeanne K was in the Spotlight on the NQA web site in June, and Linda M is in the spotlight for July Click on the photo to see the quilts.
Have a great summer.
Friday, March 23, 2012
March 2012

Linda demonstrated fabric weaving, and showed several examples in various stages of completion.
Brooke updated everyone with upcoming local events including Creative Force which will be showing from March 20 to June 10th.
Members present were: Brooke, Lynn, and Pegee from Billings; and Kathy L, Linda M, and Jane from Powell, WY, and Kathy H from Thermopolis, WY.
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