Monday, February 16, 2015

February 2015

 As decided in the January meeting, we began our discussion with examples of neutral designs.  Each piece was discussed and we talked about where we would go from here.  Should we add another color?  How should we quilt the piece?  Should we change anything?  Make a series based on this beginning design concept?

Since the battery on my camera died, I didn't get photos of all the pieces presented, and I apologize if your piece is not shown here.  Taneth's imprinted seashells in sand, and Marybeth's skeleton leaves come to mind.

Cheryl's piece (above right) is a beautiful example of using neutrals.  Brooke asked her to turn it over so the seams showed, and everyone loved the texture of the back side.

Another great example of using neutral colors is Linda J's "Fried Eggs".

Additional ideas are shown below.  Using neutrals is a difficult concept for some of our group who love color.

Brooke showed us her artist journal for the drawing class she is taking on-line, and some of the supplies she will be using in the class she is teaching a Big Sky Quilt Retreat next month.  She also passed around some beautiful silk pieces on which leaves had been applied and boiled in water to extract the details of the leaves onto the fabric.

For next month, we will all digest the ideas and input we received this month, and either incorporate them into the piece shown, or make a new piece inspired by our discussion.

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